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Blog posts tagged in energy

Smart meters are a great way of saving money on your energy bills as they put the consumer in control of their energy usage. Through an electronic display which you keep at your home you can find out exactly how much energy you are using in real time.

The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy has produced a detailed guidance for those considering smart meters. Please read the guide to find out the benefits of changing to smart meters.

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Hits: 3505

The Energy Saving Trust has comprised a table identifying how much money you can save on your energy bills just by having a modern, efficient boiler.

If you are considering updating your boiler then read their article to find out what type of boiler is right for you.

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Hits: 4653

Simple daily activities such as switching off lights and having quicker showers have been proven to cut energy costs significantly.

The Energy Saving Trust call these 'Quick Wins' and they have comprised a list of top ten tips to help you cut down on your annual costs.

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Tagged in: energy energy saving
Hits: 4545
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